Saturday, August 23, 2014

Om Om Omelette!

A simple yet can be a delicious dish, I think the omelette is a flexible dish. How so? Well, it is flexible because you either cook it with eggs only, or adding different ingredients to create a more wholesome, awesome egg dish.

I'm not sure about you, but at my home, the omelette is versatile. We can combine with all kinds of ingredients - from simple sliced onions, French beans, bitter-gourd to a combination of seafood such as crab sticks and prawns. If you have the opportunity, do try it at the nearest restaurants in your area. Or when you visit Kuala Lumpur ^_^

I'm happy to share one of our household's favourite - the tomato omelette recipe.

First, slice up some onions and cut the tomatoes into wedges. Remove some of the seeds from the wedges. This is because when the tomatoes are being fried, the mushy seeds will become watery, making the omelette wet. Then depending on the number of people you are cooking for, crack some eggs into a bowl. Let's say, you are cooking for 4 people: Perhaps cracking 4 eggs or 5 eggs (if you like your omelette to be more... "Egg-gy"). Season the eggs with some pepper and soy sauce. Whisk them away, Sous Chef!

Frying and simmering away!

And here it is... the final porduct!

All nice and charred... NICE!

To be honest, this is not my first time cooking this dish. However, my previous attempts didn't turned out as how it would look like the photo above. It was always wet because of the tomatoes, and I just suddenly thought of this idea of removing the seeds. Hahaha, abit slow to figure that out ^_^ Nonetheless, it was yummeh, babeh!

TheLoyalFan says: "Very nice! Tomatoes indeed can be added into omelettes."

Yup, you are looking at my crock pot chicken too : P Both are fantastic with rice! Om nom nom noms...

Have a great weekend, folks!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Cooking Again - Crock Pot Chicken

Hey everyone!

It has been a while, okay lah... a long while, that I have written stuff in my blog. Over the past year, I've been busy adjusting with a new member in my family - LittleMissPoochi. She has been a bundle of joy to TheLoyalFan and I ^_^ We are truly blessed and thankful for her well being.

Alrightie then, let's get back to more cooking!

With LittleMissPoochi around the house, I find it challenging to prepare a meal. So Mum taught me a recipe that doesn't require much attention... which is cooking with the Crock Pot a.k.a. Slow Cooker.

The thing about this wonderful pot is that one doesn't need to jaga fire - standing by the hob, ensuring the fire is right in order to avoid our dish being burnt. All you need to do is put in all your ingredients and turn it on. So lots of our mothers (and our grandmothers) like using the crock pot as it can stew the meat, making the meat all sooo soft, juicy and yummy!

First, ensure your chicken is thawed and marinate it. Before you marinate, trim off some of the fat from the chicken in order to reduce the oil. I marinated my chicken with 3 ingredients - Chinese wine, soy sauce and white pepper. This is the same marinate method that I used for my steamed chicken. Cut some ginger into thin strips then soak some gei zhee (goji berries) and yoke chook. For the Chinese herbs, I soaked in water, about 2 or 3 tablespoons of water.

Once your ingredients are ready, put everything including the water from soaking the herbs, into the crock pot. Leave it in the pot for 2 hours. I adjusted the heat to high mode.

And after 2 hours...


Chickens were stabbed to check whether inside is cooked ^_^
I must say, this dish turned out great! A variation of my steamed chicken and I.LOVE.IT! Well, I'm a very ching chong kind of person. The sauce was tasty and complemented well with rice. Mum and CuteFuzzyBear gave a thumbs up for my attempt (yay!)

TheLoyalFan says: 'Such a good dish to come home to after a long day. Its good to have sous chef back!'

I'm glad that sous chef is back too! : P

Stay tune for more posts on my culinary journey back home. Till then, keep nommings!